kostete ihn Kopf und Kragen - translation to Αγγλικά
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kostete ihn Kopf und Kragen - translation to Αγγλικά

Alles mit Gott und nichts mit ohn' ihn; Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn; BWV 1127
  • Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar]], dedicatee of "Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn", BWV 1127
  • First page of Bach's autograph
  • Second page of Bach's autograph
  • pp=12–13, 33}}
  • p=13}}
  • Grünes Schloss ([[Duchess Anna Amalia Library]]) in Weimar. Tower of the nearby Schloss Weimar on the left.
  • Rococo hall of the Grünes Schloss.
  • [[Schloss Weimar]] around 1730.

kostete ihn Kopf und Kragen      
lost his head, lost track of his thoughts and ideas
sturm und drang         
  • A silhouette of the theatre director [[Abel Seyler]]
  • [[Johann Anton Leisewitz]]
  • Johann Georg Hamann
Sturm und drang; Sturm-Und-Drang; Storm-and-Stress Period; Storm and Stress; Sturm-und-Drang; Sturm and drang; Storm and urge; Sturm and Drang; Sturm Und Drang; Storm And Stress; Sturm and Drang Society
Sturm und Drang, nationalistische Literaturbewegung in Deutschland Ende des 18ten Jahrhunderts die die Literatur als Ausbruch menschlicher Emotionen sah im Widerstand zu Formalismus in Geist und Gesellschaft
Paul von Hindenburg         
  • Grave of Hindenburg
  • upright=1.0
  • Erich Ludendorff, Hindenburg's [[chief of staff]] on the Eastern Front and partner throughout the war.
  • upright=1.0
  • upright=0.7
  • upright=1.0
  • upright=0.8
  •  A Hindenburg stamp released in 1927 on the occasion of his 80th birthday
  • Postcard of the wooden statue of Hindenburg erected in Berlin for the first anniversary of Tannenberg
  • General Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of Germany's Great General Staff (1914–1916)
  • Novogeorgievsk]] (painting by Ernst Zimmer)
  • upright=0.8
  • left
  • upright=1.5
  • Depiction of Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff at the battle of Tannenberg (painting by Hugo Vogel).
  • Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen]]
  • Hindenburg and Ludendorff in 1918
  • upright=1.0
  • upright=0.9
  • upright=0.7
  • Hindenburg by [[Ludwig Hohlwein]],<br />with Nazi flag, c. 1934
  • upright=0.7
  • Field Marshal Hindenburg in 1914
  • Map of the Michael offensive showing in red the section of the British front that was not assaulted frontally; its defenders were to be encircled by the attackers on their flanks.<ref>Crown Prince Rupprecht, 1919, '''2''', p. 347.</ref>
  • language=pl}}</ref>
  • upright=1.5
  • right
  • upright=0.8
  • Paul von Hindenburg as a cadet in [[Wahlstatt]] (1860)
Paul Von Hindenburg; Paul Hindenburg; Paul von Beneckendorf und Hindenburg; President hindenburg; Paul von Hindenberg; Paul Anton Hans Ludwig von Hindenburg; Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg; Paul von hindenburg; Old Paul; General von Hindenburg; President Hindenburg; Von Hindenburg; Paul Ludwig Hans von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg
n. Paul von Hindenburg (1847-1934), deutscher Feldmarschall und zweiter Präsident von Deutschland von 1925 bis 1934


United Nations Disaster Relief Organization


Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn, BWV 1127

"Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn" (Everything with God and nothing without him), BWV 1127, is Johann Sebastian Bach's October 1713 setting of a poem in 12 stanzas by Johann Anton Mylius, Superintendent of Buttstädt, a town in the Duchy of Saxe-Weimar. The poem is an acrostic dedicated to Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar, on his birthday (30 October). Bach, at the time employed as court organist by the Duke, set Mylius's ode as an aria in strophic form, that is a melody for soprano accompanied by continuo for the stanzas, alternated with a ritornello for strings and continuo. When all stanzas are sung, a performance of the work takes around 45 to 50 minutes.

The work was likely first performed on the Duke's birthday. The original print of Mylius's poem, with Bach's composition written on two pages at the end, was archived in Weimar, where it remained unnoticed for nearly three centuries, accidentally twice escaping a devastating fire, in 1774 and in 2004, until it was rediscovered in May 2005. After the discovery (in 1924) and publication (in 1935) of Bekennen will ich seinen Namen, BWV 200, this was the first time an autograph of a previously unknown vocal work by Bach had come to light.